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Interested in joining the Collective?

Hello, we are very proud of all the people we have gathered here in our Collective. When we formed in 2014, it was around the idea that a group of bodypaint enthusiasts could and should be able to enjoy our favorite art form together and help each other. And we have, and it's been great! We believe that sharing bodypaint with the global community is important. So, we feel it is time to ask... are you interested in being a member of The Human Art Collective? If so, please email us to tell us more about you and how you see yourself exploring bodypainting as an art form. 


More about us and the benefits of being a member:

-We are taking steps towards status as an officially recognized Non-Profit. Leadership is completely volunteer based. Any money earned through the Collective goes back into the pot to go towards future events and group projects. 


-By accepting VERY reasonable membership dues, we are able to differentiate between people who are merely curious, and those who are truly passionate about learning about the art form. We realize that all people here might not want to, or be able to pay dues. Rest assured you will still be welcome to subscribe to the newsletter, remain our friend, and you will be welcome to join us officially when/if you choose.


Here are the benefits of paying only $5 a month to be added to the Collective's directory. 

Benefits of becoming a 2016 HAC Member:

  • Be added to the private fb group. You can then opt-in for email updates.

  • Free access and/or discounts to jams and skillshares and certain workshops. (Not free to non-members)

  • Invitations to participate in certain HAC sponsored events and workshops (such as the Subzero Festival) 

  • Assisting and mentorship opportunities! Particularly for painting, modeling, and performing.

  • Be included in the HAC directory

  • Receive notifications for casting calls/gigs

  • Have your information up on the HAC website

  • Be able to submit blog posts about anything you want

  • Get access to our Instagram 

  • Be a directing force in the growth of the Collective


What the membership dues go towards:

  • HAC promo materials. (Cards, stickers, booth fees)

  • HAC Website domain and hosting

  • Sponsoring Workshop teachers

  • Jam and workshop venue costs

  • Snacks for models and crew at HAC sponsored events and meetings

  • Meeting materials (paper, markers)

  •  Any other needs as voted by the board and/or members


Please send payment by Paypal to the email address:

If you wish to create a payment plan, please let us know. And we're happy to answer any questions.

If you do not wish to use Paypal, then please contact us directly. There is also a "Donate" button on the website which goes to the same Paypal account:


Thank you so much! We hope to collaborate with you soon. 

Jeshka Yurash and Rich Diltz, Co-Directors

© 2017 Human Art Collective

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